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Special Note for Bulletin Editors and Church Administrators:

Have a great week!

About This Page: These announcements connect church members with the ministries of their denomination. You can include them in your Sunday bulletin, weekly email, monthly newsletter (using the future week checkboxes), or Bridge App (for those churches using the app). When copy/pasting into a print bulletin, you may wish to paste as unformatted text (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V) to remove formatting. For sharing in an electronic format, maintain the formatting to include hyperlinks to more information.

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Active Week:
Future Weeks (still in process)

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ReFrame Ministries

Kids Corner: Pass It On! - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Daily devotions in our families help us deepen our understanding of God’s big story. And it can be fun, too. We can listen, look at pictures, act out the stories, and ask our wondering questions. Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Kids Corner: Words of Love - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Words can change the way we think about ourselves. When you choose your words wisely, it helps your friends remember that God loves them and that you also love them. And that helps your friends feel good about themselves. Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Kids Corner: Remember Who You Are - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at There is no more incredible blessing than knowing we are God’s children. God delights in us and knows our names. He calls us and walks with us always. God helps us always to remember who we are. Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Family Fire - Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

Family Fire - Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

Groundwork: God Creates - The theme of creation echoes throughout the Bible. Join our Groundwork conversation as we study Genesis 1, Revelation 21:22-24, Psalm 139:13-14, Hebrews 1:1-3, and Colossians 1:15-17 to discuss what this theme reveals to us about God’s character, love, and intentions. Then we’ll consider our call to reflect God’s creativity with our own as bearers of his image. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

The Banner

Support The Banner! - We need your help to reach our annual goal of raising $500,000 by July 31. Your partnership will enable The Banner to continue reaching North Americans with inspiring and insightful Christian content for another full year. Please donate now at


Thrive Faith Formation Tip - In Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.” How might we prepare ourselves to recognize interruptions as opportunities to serve? Learn more at

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Look for service opportunities that allow you to serve “with” people in need, rather than doing things “to” or “for” them. And always remember to look for things you can learn from people you serve. Learn more at

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Jesus is our model for true servanthood. What characteristics and practices of Jesus could each of us emulate to help us develop a servant heart? Learn more at

Diaconal Ministries Canada

Small Church - BIG Impact - Are you a small church? Have you been without a pastor for some time? Yet, has being small and/or pastor-less not slowed you down? Are your members still faithfully serving in your city or region? THEN WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! This fall, Diaconal Ministries Canada will be sharing stories from small CRC congregations (under 100 people) to empower and encourage others that just because you're small, God can and will use you! Bigger isn't always better. Reach out to our Communications Coordinator, Erin, with your story leads at [email protected].

World Renew

Neglected Crisis: Help Change the Forgotten Stories - Your church has probably been moved to give when the media has focused on the impacts of disaster or conflict. But what happens after the cameras leave? World Renew and our Christian partners continue to help communities in countries like South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Madagascar, where extreme weather challenges or ongoing conflict can keep families in a state of hopelessness. As a member of the Integral Alliance, World Renew is working to draw attention to neglected crises. Your gift can help World Renew continue to work to share Christ’s hope with communities forgotten by the media. To learn more, visit: