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It is always a joy for a congregation to welcome new members into its fellowship. They may come from other CRC congregations by way of a transfer of membership, or they may come from other denominations. Often the welcome is done informally by introducing them to the congregation. This form recognizes the welcome of new members as an opportunity for them to affirm their profession of faith within the context of a new congregation. It is also an opportunity to emphasize the expectation of their willing commitment to the life and mission of their new congregation.


[The new members are invited to stand before the congregation, and a brief, informal introduction can be given by the minister or elder.]

[Addressing the new members:]
[Name/s], in your baptism, you were marked as members of Christ's church. It is our joy to welcome you today as members of this congregation. We believe that the Holy Spirit has led you to this congregation at this time for your own good and the good of this congregation. We invite you now to affirm your faith in Christ and express your commitment to the life of this church and mission God has given to us.


Do you affirm once again, that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, that the Bible is God’s Word revealing Christ and his redemption, and that the teachings of this church reflect this revelation?
[We/I do.]

Do you promise to join with us, sharing your gifts, in our worship and fellowship, and in the mission God has given us in the world?
[We/I do.]

[Asking the congregation to rise in body or spirit:]
Do you promise to receive [name/s] in love as your brothers and sisters in Christ, support them with your fellowship and prayers, and, recognizing their gifts, invite them into the life and mission of our congregation?
[We do.]

[Together with the new members, the congregation may now recite the Apostles’ Creed.]