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A classis is a group of churches within a geographical area that comes together to seek, discern, and submit to God's will, offer one another mutual support and accountability, find ways to live out a collective calling in the region, and allow for a healthy and sustained connection to the wider denomination.

A classis has the authority to deal with matters that concern its churches in common and its decisions are binding on the churches in its region. A minister, elder, and deacon from each congregation are delegated to attend each classis meeting.

Our Church Order defines classis in this way: "A classis is a group of Christian Reformed churches that come together to seek, discern, and submit to God’s will; offer one another mutual support and accountability; find ways to live out a collective calling within their region; and allow for a healthy and sustained connection to the wider denomination. A classis shall consist of a group of neighboring churches. The organization of a new classis and the redistricting of classes require the approval of synod." 

Read more about the purpose of a classis.

Classis Renewal

Workshops for Classis

A variety of 60 minute workshop opportunities are available to help support your work in classis.

Resources for Classis Renewal

There is an online shared drive that houses many resources and documents related to gatherings, presentations, etc., including a folder with copies of current and past classis ministry plans.

Your classis can be supported by having a ministry plan in place. The types of ministry plans that classes have are diverse in content and approach, but they are all designed to help the classis flourish. See the above link for samples of classis ministry plans.

You can access a variety of resources and articles for classis on the Network.

Classes in the CRC

There are 49 classes in the CRC, 11 in Canada and 37 in the United States, and one with congregations on both sides of the border.

For denominational ministry services, classes are divided into six regions and their subregions (view as a printable PDF). (For representation on the Calvin University board (CU), classes are divided into 6 regions, and for the Calvin Theological Seminary board (CTS), classes are divided into 12 regions.)

Regions and Classes

Classes by Region

Alberta North
Canada West - Rockies East
CTS - Region 2
CU - Region 1

Alberta South/Saskatchewan
Canada West - Rockies East
CTS - Region 2
CU - Region 1

USA West - Rockies
CTS - Region 7
CU - Region 6

Atlantic Northeast
USA East - North Central
CTS - Region 12
CU - Region 3

B.C. North-West
Canada West - Rockies West
CTS - Region 1
CU - Region 1

B.C. South-East
Canada West - Rockies West
CTS - Region 1
CU - Region 1

California South
USA West - Southern
CTS - Region 6
CU - Region 6

Central California
USA West - Northern
CTS - Region 6
CU - Region 6

Central Plains
USA Central - Upper Midwest
CTS - Region 8
CU - Region 5

Chicago South
USA Central - Chicagoland
CTS - Region 9
CU - Region 5

USA West - Northern
CTS - Region 5
CU - Region 6

Eastern Canada
Canada East - North East
CTS - Region 3
CU - Region 2

Great Lakes - Lakeshore
CTS - Region 10
CU - Region 4

Grand Rapids East
Great Lakes - Grand Rapids Metro
CTS - Region 11
CU - Region 4

Grand Rapids North
Great Lakes - Grand Rapids Metro
CTS - Region 11
CU - Region 4

Grand Rapids South
Great Lakes - Grand Rapids Metro
CTS - Region 11
CU - Region 4

Great Lakes - Grand Rapids Metro
CTS - Region 11
CU - Region 4

Greater Los Angeles
USA West - Southern
CTS - Region 6
CU - Region 6

USA East - North Central
CTS - Region 12
CU - Region 3

Canada East - South Central
CTS - Region 4
CU - Region 2

USA West - Southern
CTS - Region 6
CU - Region 6

USA Central - Upper Plains
CTS - Region 8
CU - Region 5

Great Lakes - Lakeshore
CTS - Region 10
CU - Region 4

USA East - North Central
CTS - Region 12
CU - Region 3

Canada East - South Central
CTS - Region 4
CU - Region 2

USA Central - Upper Plains
CTS - Region 8
CU - Region 5

USA Central - Chicagoland
CTS - Region 9
CU - Region 5

Great Lakes - Lakeshore
CTS - Region 10
CU - Region 4

USA West - Southern
CTS - Region 6
CU - Region 6

Lake Erie
Great Lakes - Greater Michigan
CTS - Region 11
CU - Region 4

Lake Superior (Canada)
Canada West - Rockies East
CTS - Region 2
CU - Region 1

Lake Superior (USA)
USA Central - Upper Midwest
CTS - Region 8
CU - Region 5

USA Central - Upper Plains
CTS - Region 8
CU - Region 5

Great Lakes - Lakeshore
CTS - Region 10
CU - Region 4

Canada East - South Central
CTS - Region 4
CU - Region 2

Northcentral Iowa
USA Central - Upper Midwest
CTS - Region 8
CU - Region 5

North Cascades
USA West - Northern
CTS - Region 5
CU - Region 6

Northern Illinois
USA Central - Chicagoland
CTS - Region 9
CU - Region 5

Northern Michigan
Great Lakes - Greater Michigan
CTS - Region 10
CU - Region 4

Ontario Southwest
Canada East - South Central
CTS - Region 4
CU - Region 2

Pacific Northwest
USA West - Northern
CTS - Region 5
CU - Region 6

Canada East - North East
CTS - Region 3
CU - Region 2

Red Mesa
USA West - Rockies
CTS - Region 7
CU - Region 6

Rocky Mountain
USA West - Rockies
CTS - Region 7
CU - Region 6

Southeast U.S.
USA East - South East
CTS - Region 12
CU - Region 3

Thornapple Valley
Great Lakes - Grand Rapids Metro
CTS - Region 11
CU - Region 4

Canada East - South Central
CTS - Region 3
CU - Region 2

USA Central - Upper Midwest
CTS - Region 9
CU - Region 5

Yellowstone (Montana)
USA Central - Upper Plains
CTS - Region 5
CU - Region 5

Yellowstone (Utah)
USA West - Rockies
CTS - Region 5
CU - Region 6

Great Lakes - Lakeshore
CTS - Region 10
CU - Region 4