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Peer Learning Group Grants offer pastors an opportunity to gather for learning, support, prayer, encouragement, and fellowship. Pastors are free to plan all aspects of their time together: who the group members will be, what topic they’ll pursue, when to meet, what books they’ll read, whether to attend a conference, organize a retreat, or other options. Since the groups create their own plan, no two groups are alike.
The CRCNA has placed a high value on supporting these learning opportunities so that pastors are equipped and encouraged in their calling. We give thanks for the 323 grants that were awarded to 239 peer groups. Since the first grants were awarded in May 2003, just over $1.5 million has been distributed to support nearly 1,000 pastors as they learn together.
** The external funding that supported these initiatives has concluded. **
Thrive is now reviewing our Peer Learning Group Grant initiative, including the potential for sustainable funding sources. During this review process, Thrive will not be accepting applications for Peer Learning grants.