About Ministry Assessments
The purpose of an assessment is to help people find their vocational sweet spot—the place where their heart sings and where God is glorified.
Who takes assessments?
Seminarians, pastors, ministry leaders, missionaries, chaplains, and those close to retirement.
What is an assessment?
There are a number of different options. Assessments can vary in length and breadth. Most assessments will include a questionnaire and a follow-up conversation with a trained professional who reviews the results with you. We can help you identify which assessment process is right for you.
How are they paid for?
There are a number of resources that can be utilized to either cover or offset the cost. We’ll help you access these.
How will I take the assessment?
Most of the assessments are taken online with the follow-up conversations taking place via a virtual meeting (EG: Zoom). There are options that allow you to both take the assessment and meet with the counselor/coach for your follow-up conversation in person.
When should I take an assessment?
At any point in your journey where more clarity would be helpful.
Why take an assessment?
To utilize the gifts God has given you to their fullest potential so that God may have all the glory, and to help you find your vocational sweet spot—the place where your heart sings.
You may be interested in this helpful TEDx talk, “How to Find and Live Your Calling”.