Joint Statement of the CRC and RCA
Synod 2017 Delegates Recategorize Belhar Confession June 17, 2017, CRC News
Synod Proposes Recategorizing Belhar Confession as a Contemporary Testimony June 16, 2016, CRC News
Washington D.C. Congregation Learns from the Belhar Confession August 19, 2015, CRC News
What About the Belhar? August 7, 2015, The Banner
Synod Urges Churches to Engage with Belhar Confession June 15, 2015, CRC News
Belhar Gets Official Status, but Not as a Confession June 14, 2012, The Banner
Why We Need the Belhar May 4, 2012, The Banner
For Worship
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship — Belhar Worship Service Collection
Reformed Worship — Unity, Reconciliation, Justice: A Series on the Belhar Confession
Reformed Worship — Hungering for Righteousness: A Six-Week Series on Food and Hunger
Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee — Litany for Indigenous Ministry
Reformed Church in America — The Belhar Confession: Singing, Praying, and Preaching
Lift Up Your Hearts — Affirmation: The Unity of the Body
Reformed Worship (March 2016) — Reconciliation and Pentecost: A Worship Series
For Children
Illuminating the Forgotten Parts of the Church: A Sunday school lesson on the Belhar Confession
For Youth
Experiencing Prejudice in our Midst: A youth study lesson on the Belhar Confession
For Adults
Concrete Spirituality by Johannes N.J. Kritzinger (After exploring the message of Article 4 of Belhar, the article analyzes eight liturgical features of Melodi ya Tshwane, an inner-city congregation of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA), showing how beauty and justice interact in those acts of worship.)
From the Heart of God: A Study of the Belhar Confession (5 sessions, with 4 accompanying videos of personal perspectives, available to view online, about 3 minutes each)
From the Heart of God: 28 Devotional Readings on the Belhar Confession (reflections written by Pastor Reginald Smith, Pastor Marvin J. Hofman, and Kathy Vandergrift)
Unity, Reconciliation, and Justice: A Study Guide to the Belhar Confession (RCA, 2006)
By Word and Spirit: A 25-day devotional guide on the scriptural foundations of the Belhar Confession (RCA, 2009)
A Summary of the Historical Context of the Belhar Confession (PCUSA)
The Presbyterian Outlook — Neither Calendar Nor Clock: Perspectives on the Belhar Confession by Piet Naude
Note: As instructed by Synod 2017, footnotes have been added to provide clarity around key aspects of the Belhar Confession.