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For full reports and exact statements of the CRCNA position on a particular issue, see references provided below.

우리의 입장

세례는 우리에게 “물이 몸의 더러움을 씻어내듯이, 그리스도의 피와 영이 [우리의] 모든 죄악을 깨끗이 씻어냄”(하이델베르그 요리문답, 문답 69)을 상기시켜주고 확증해 줍니다. 그리고 “어른들뿐 아니라 유아들도 하나님의 언약 아래 있는 하나님의 백성이기 때문에” 그들도 “어른들 못지않게 죄의 용서를 약속 받았고, 세례를 받아서…그리스도의 교회에 속하게 되고….구약시대에는 할례가 그런 기능을 하였으나 신약시대에 와서 세례로 대치되었습니다.“ (하이델베르그 요리문답, 문답 74).

북미주 개혁교회에서 세례는 안수 받은 목사 혹은 전도 목사에 의해 거행됩니다. 세례의 일상적 방식은 이마에 물을 뿌리는 것이지만, 다른 방식들 (예를 들어, 침례) 도 가능합니다. 북미주 개혁교회는 유아세례(신자 부모의 자녀들)와 성인세례(교회 교인이지만 이전에 세례받지 않은 성인들)를 거행합니다; 세례받은 성인은 그리스도에 대한 자신의 신앙을 공적으로 고백하도록 요청 받습니다.


The latest guidelines and forms for baptism in the CRC were approved by Synods 1994 and 2013. In response to an overture, Synod 2000 appointed a committee to study baptism regarding questions that arise about infant baptism as a result of the CRC’s efforts to become more multiethnic and evangelical. Because excellent studies on this subject already exist, synod proposed first that such resources be made more accessible and well-known as an aid to discussions about baptism. Synod 2011 endorsed a document presented by its study committee on faith formation (appointed in 2007), titled “Affirming Baptism and Forming Faith,” as “a guiding document for the work of denominational agencies and congregations in the area of faith formation” (Acts of Synod 2011, p. 829). In 2011 synod also affirmed a “principle regarding infant dedication to guide the continuing work of the committee” (p. 831). Synod 2012 reaffirmed that principle and commended to the churches a report titled “Infant Dedication and the Christian Reformed Church,” submitted by the committee, which completed its work in 2013. The baptism form approved by Synod 2013 is closely based on a form adopted in 1994 for use in the Reformed Church in America.

In response to recommendations by the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee, based on dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church, Synod 2011 approved a “Common Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Baptism,” encouraged CRC congregations to use the language of a common “Certificate of Baptism” in all future baptismal certificates, and received “These Living Waters” as an ecumenical document on baptism, recommending it “to the churches for further study and reflection” (Acts of Synod 2011, p. 822).

References to Agendas and Acts of Synod

Agenda for Synod 1994, pp. 166-77
Acts of Synod 1994, pp. 493-94
Agenda for Synod 2000, pp. 502-6
Acts of Synod 2000, pp. 709-10
Agenda for Synod 2011, pp. 344-45, 350-440, 550-69, 612-21
Acts of Synod 2011, pp. 822, 829, 831-32
Agenda for Synod 2012, pp. 422-40
Acts of Synod 2012, pp. 772, 774-75
Agenda for Synod 2013, pp. 319, 321, 323, 327-28, 333-39
Acts of Synod 2013, pp. 552-53

Additional Reading

Baptism and New Life
Should Babies be Baptized?