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Frequently Asked Questions

In 2010, synod voted to welcome children to the Lord’s table (a decision ratified by Synod 2011). Synod said:

“All baptized members are welcome to the Lord’s Supper for age- and ability-appropriate faith and obedience to biblical commands about participation, under the supervision of the elders. The elders have responsibility to nurture grateful and obedient participation by providing encouragement, instruction, and accountability in the congregation. Requiring a formal public profession of faith prior to participation in the Lord’s Supper is one pastoral approach to consider, but is not required by Scripture or the confessions.”

That decision has led to a great deal of reflection, conversation, and questioning throughout the Christian Reformed Church.

We’ve gathered a number of the most frequently asked questions and responded to them on these pages. We hope these answers address some of the questions you and others in your congregation may have. If you have additional questions, please let us know.