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The following information is intended to communicate the position of the CRCNA on homosexuality in a manner that is pastoral, clear, and relatively brief so that churches can use it in their own discernment and conversations as they strive to shepherd and care for the people in their midst while also living out of biblical truth. This summary covers the position, the posture, the promise, and the perils of the CRCNA stance on homosexuality. General Secretary, Zach King, also shares the same information on video.

See below for a  curated list of resources that may be helpful to your congregation.

Curated Resources

In accord with the directions of Synod 2023, the general secretary, with the assistance of the agencies of the CRCNA, has taken an initial step at identifying resources “to equip congregations for pastoral ministry with and to our LGBTQ+ members and neighbors” (Acts of Synod 2023, p. 1023). Some of these resources are intended to support congregations in their discernment about how to become places of love, grace, and truth. Some of these resources are intended for LGBTQ members and those who care for them. All of these resources are offered with grace and humility in a desire to assist and encourage congregations and their members.

The list was developed through the extensive efforts of CRCNA staff, synodical study committees, and the recommendations of a team of reviewers (CRC pastors and other leaders). We also acknowledge that wise, pastoral care is contextual and ongoing. New resources on this topic are being developed all the time. This list is a work in progress and will be updated over time as we hear from churches and discover new tools that have been useful in a variety of contexts.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ, who can do “immeasurably more than all we ask and imagine,” “equip you with everything good for doing his will” (Eph. 3:20; Heb. 13:21).