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A Season for Everything

March 9, 2020

We know that there is a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  And this season has been one of change and transition for the Office of Social Justice.  In our community it has created some rumours, questions, and concerns about our staffing and direction.  

In this season of change, we thank Kate Kooyman for her years of dedicated service and passion for obeying the biblical call to act justly as she transitions out of work for the OSJ.   She worked at that call wholeheartedly in her job and provided great pastoral insight to the team. Kate is currently on a cross country road trip with her family and we pray that this would be a time of rest and memory making for her and her family.  

We praise God for the gifts of Kris Van Engen who has transitioned from a joint OSJ-World Renew position to full time work for World Renew.  We are grateful that we will be able to continue to lean on his wisdom through ongoing joint efforts like the Climate Witness Project.  

I (Mark Stephenson) am pleased to step into the interim role of Director for the OSJ as Reggie Smith continues to serve the denomination in a different way as Director of Diversity. 

Throughout these changes we rest in the assurance that we serve a God “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17).  We are thankful for the comfort this brings us as we find new work rhythms in the absence of trusted friends and colleagues. So while there is change in our denominational structures, and changes in staffing, we cling to an unchanging God and unchanging biblical values of justice.  

The Office of Social Justice remains committed to serving Christian Reformed Churches in the mandate given to us by Synod 2012: "to encourage and assist the CRCNA--its leaders, agencies, institutions, and members--to better 'live justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God' (Mic. 6:8)." We remain committed to the outworkings of justice in our denomination and to empowering God's people to do justice. We reaffirm our core values of prioritizing the perspectives of marginalized people most impacted by injustices, raising awareness, educating members, sharing resources, and prompting advocacy even as we look for new ways to continue our support of congregational mobilization at a grassroots level.  

While changes can cause fear we choose instead to focus on the God who holds our future in the palm of his hand and works all things together for our good.  We are excited to continue to help, teach and support congregations as they advocate for policies that promote shalom.  

Photo by Collins Lesulie on Unsplash