Thank you for celebrating the OSJ’s offering Sunday with us this week. Interim director Mark Stephenson offers his thoughts as we reflect together on working together as one body. Finally, brothers...
We know that there is a season for everything ( Ecclesiastes 3:1). And this season has been one of change and transition for the Office of Social Justice. In our community it has created some rumours...
I’m a greenhorn when it comes to political action. So when I received a request to promote National Disability Voter Registration Week, I turned to my colleagues at the Office of Social Justice (OSJ)...
The first time Jesus preached in a synagogue, he said that he came to proclaim release to the captives (Luke 4:18). Those captives include people who have disabilities, sometimes literally. My friend Margaret who works overseas with people with disabilities told me that some of them have scars on their wrists from being chained to their beds for years as children. Pastors from a number of different countries have told me similar stories.