What Being Pro-Life Means to Me

"Life is God's gift to us, and we are called to foster the well-being of all the living, protecting from harm the unborn and the weak, the poor and the vulnerable." (Our World Belongs to God, stanza 11b)
What does it mean to "foster the well-being of all the living"? It means speaking up against abortion in a way that honors the lives of all involved (fetus, mother, father, community), certainly. Could it also mean valuing the lives of Syrian refugees? Or convicts? Or victims of human trafficking? Or Native Americans? Or Palestinian children? What does it mean to hold the label "pro-life" with integrity?
What does being pro-life mean to you? Over this fall, we'll hear various writers respond to that question.
Series posts:
What Being Pro-Life Means to Me, Shannon Jammal-Hollemans (unborn children)
What Being Pro-Life Means to Me- Andy Hanson (prisoners)
What Being Pro-Life Means to Me- Chris Eakin (people with disabilities)
What Being Pro-Life Means to Me- Christy Berghoef (people affected by US drone warfare)
Pro-Love and People with Disabilities- Shiao Chong
Welcoming Refugees- Theresa Roosendaal
Proclaiming Good News to the Poor- Peter Vander Meulen
Physician-assisted Suicide- Mark Stephenson
Women on the Margins- Sara
Care for the Elderly- Jenny Siebring deGroot
Foster Care- Katie Hickok Mannebach
Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America- Anna Vogt
Porn- Bev Sterk
Refugee Crisis in the Mediterranean- JJ TenClay
Death Penalty- Heather Beaudoin
Palestinian Farmers- Liz Tolkamp
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women- Michelle Nieviadomy
Undocumented Immigrants- Brenda Cuellar
Earthkeeping- Steve Bouma-Prediger
Indigenous Peoples- Mike Hogeterp
Wrap-up post: Shalom Seeking- Kate Kooyman