I have a confession: I talk about my congressperson more than I talk to my congressperson. I talk about politics more than I participate in politics. I often rant about how disappointed, upset, or...
Despite the variety of ways in which CRC members in Canada understand justice, there is a strong consensus that doing justice is an important – even essential – part of Christian faith. This suggests...
These are the kinds of conversations Aboriginal women are having. It is not normal and shouldn’t be routine. It is scary but necessary. Do other women have to have these conversations?
As people, we naturally gravitate toward those similar to ourselves. It’s simple, easy and it’s comfortable. We gain friendship, empathy and encouragement from such relationships but a problem ensues...
I'm no expert but over the years we have met a few of our Members of Parliament (MPs). Maybe because we have lived in the ridings of backbenchers and they are happy to interact with their constituents...
Two years ago marked the first time I heard the acronym "CAMC." After responding to a posting for the need for camp counsellors to go to a First Nations reserve in Northern Ontario on the ServiceLink...
Can I be honest with you, reader? The last thing I want to do is write an article about Gaza. Because in the face of what has just happened there, all the words that I keep trying to string together...
I support Bill C-36. It’s a start, a good one, towards protecting those who are vulnerable. But it’s not black and white. In December 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down certain prostitution...
Every few months a new report shows that the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly irreversible. Clearly United Nations’ Secretary General Ban Ki-moon understands the gravity of the climate situation when he noted that, “we know that we are not on track, and time is not on our side.”
My colleague Shannon Jammal-Hollemans recently made a powerful statement, saying Christians tend to focus on the Fall at the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, rather than focusing on the Tree of Life. I believe this cuts to the core of the “burden” of injustice, shedding light on the frustrating, paradoxical occurrence of disempowered Jesus followers.
We pray; we lament; we give to relief agencies. But we also struggle to understand why this is happening and who’s to blame. And the TV news channels are quick to serve up all kinds of plausible-sounding answers.
Shortly after the birth of my second son, Sam, I went back to work. After months of being home all the time, I was once again immersed in one of the unspoken trials of modern parenthood: daycare drop...