If you are reading this and are from North America (and perhaps even if you aren't), you are no doubt aware of just how divisive the issue of climate change is in the US and Canada. Experts from both...
The Mess is a ministry that provides opportunities to create art and relationships with those who struggle with issues of brokenness. The Mess, which is supported in part by Diaconal Ministries Canada, walks alongside people, giving hope and empowering healthier life choices.
Last month, I spent a sunny afternoon outside with my family. My children were running around with their friends, in shorts and tank tops, asking for the sprinkler to be turned on. It was on that day like any other that God opened my eyes to human trafficking.
Before presenting a conference paper, academics who study Aboriginal history have a tradition of acknowledging the First Nations upon whose traditional lands they are standing. This stems from historic traditions that began before Europeans showed up in Canada, when First Nations would request permission to pass through other peoples’ lands when travelling for any reason. This is a common human practice; across the globe civilizations used similar practices.
It started with a question: "Can we do Show of Hands?" A little baffled by the question, I asked for more information. It was a justice initiative put on by the Office of Social Justice. I remembered...
I just finished rereading the article, " Can Forgiveness Pay a Role in Criminal Justice", and am truly impressed how two families were able to deal with a violent crime through forgiveness and the use of restorative justice principles.
The road to Jericho beckons me in much the same way as it beckons the priest, the Levite, the Samaritan, and the expert in the law to whom Jesus speaks. It begs the question: “Who is my neighbour?”
We just finished breakfast with Otilia, the lovely woman who hosts us while we do Romanian language training here in Târgu Mureș, and I need to tell her story. Fry yourselves some potatoes and garlic...
I’ve been in this congregational justice mobilizing position for two years now and if I’ve learned anything, it is that silence plus lies (or the more congenial term “myths”) equals oppression.