The Building Blocks of Faith Toolkit
From Faith Formation
Laura Keeley and Robert J. Keeley’s Lifelong Faith journal article further explains the Building Blocks of Faith concept.
If you’d like help working through how the Building Blocks of Faith can strengthen faith formation in your congregation, we invite you to contact your Regional Catalyzer. They can help you develop a Building Blocks-based faith formation framework for your church, help train staff and volunteers, or just brainstorm with you. Their assistance is free to Christian Reformed churches.
There are many good settings for presenting the Building Blocks of Faith to your congregation, including at a potluck, a congregational meeting, a council meeting, an adult discussion group, or a church staff meeting. Here are some tools that can help:
Sample church newsletter article to modify for use with your own congregation
Feel free to use these Building Blocks icons in materials you create for your own congregation:
Covenant Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alberta, constructed these Building Blocks props for worship:
Permission is granted to your church or organization to use the tools listed on this page, along with other Building Blocks resources from this toolkit, within your congregation or organization. Please do not create materials based on the Building Blocks for distribution outside your church or organization. If you have questions about permissions, please contact Faith Formation.