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Welcome to the Intergenerational Church toolkit! The contents of this kit have been selected and designed to encourage and equip congregations to cultivate a culture in which faith in God is nurtured and relationships are fostered as all ages learn and grow, serve, and worship together.

As new tools become available, we’ll add them. If there’s a tool you need but don’t see here, we’ll try to find it. Contact us at


Being an intergenerational church isn’t about adding another program or putting an end to segregated ministries. It’s a way of life—being God’s family in a way that values, equips, and includes all ages. It’s about belonging.


Are there two or more generations in your congregation? Congratulations—you’re an intergenerational family! But becoming a truly intergenerational church takes intentionality. The resources in this section can help.

Learning and Growing

In this section you’ll find information and ideas for building on what your congregation is already doing to provide opportunities for people of all ages to “know and be known” by each other, both in small group gatherings and large group settings.


When people of all ages have opportunities to serve together locally and/or globally, helping others, seeking justice, and sharing God’s love, wonderful things start to happen! Here are some ideas for intergenerational service.


Worship that is truly intergenerational engages and involves people of all ages. Here are some ideas for worship planners and parents.