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Youth Ministry

A Vision for Youth Ministry

The Thrive faith formation team desires to see youth ministry grounded in the mission of Jesus Christ and the Church, directed toward growth in Christian discipleship. In Scripture, our hope is found in passages like this one in Jeremiah (29:11) where we read; "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We also long to see youth ministries that are rooted in grace, part of a larger comprehensive vision of intergenerational discipleship, and built on solid foundations of leadership development. Knowing this, the following two definitions might help us cast a vision for youth ministry in the CRC.

Discipleship: Discipleship is an intentional process that meets people where they are and takes them where they need to go in Christ. We long to be disciples who mature into the blessings and sufferings of the Father, Son, and Spirit in order to be a blessing in this hurting world. We are grateful for the privilege we have of participating in discipling relationships with teens as we walk together with integrity and authenticity (recognizing how central relationships are to the discipling process).

Congregations: We believe that healthy youth ministry takes place in congregations that are shaped by grace and committed to preparing God’s people for works of service. All of us, from the oldest to the youngest, are sinners called to come to the cross to find new life in Jesus Christ. All of us, from the oldest to the youngest, are called to mature in that grace our entire lives. We are grateful for the CRC practice of making a covenantal vow as a congregation at the baptism of a child.

We’d love to connect with you, whether it’s just to chat, or to answer any questions you might have. Please email us and we’ll get back to you.

Ron DeVries, [email protected]

Spiritual Characteristics of Children and Teens

Youth Ministry Resources

The resources in this collection were all chosen with Reformed congregations in mind.
group of youth sitting on grass at a park

Youth Ministry Champions

Connect with the Youth Ministry Champion in your classis.

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