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Practicing Justice and Mercy with a Group

For Discussion

Group Studies

  • Live Justly is a 10-session scriptural and practical study published by Micah Challenge USA that challenges churches, campus groups, and small groups to examine attitudes and behaviors in comparison to a lifestyle of biblical justice.
  • Issue-specific resource on creation care: The Bangladesh Bible Study Series is a three-week Bible study designed to help Christians engage faithfully with the issue of climate change in church groups, youth groups, community organizations, and more. It not only explores our biblical mandate to be stewards of creation but also convicts us of our Christian calling to be advocates for people who are poor and vulnerable.


  • The Understanding Racism workshop facilitated by Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE) is now available online. The goals of this training are
    • to help participants see and learn about racism in new and redemptive ways.
    • to gain insights into systemic racism through the eyes of faith and Scripture.
    • to see more of the connections between history and contemporary race relations.
    • to identify organizing opportunities to “eliminate racism, both causes and effects, within the body of believers and throughout the world.”
  • Immigration Is Our Story. The Christian Reformed Church in North America has an immigration story that we sometimes forget about and need to remember as we encounter our immigrant neighbors today. To hear one another’s immigration stories and learn about immigration in the U.S. both yesterday and today, engage your congregation in the Immigration Is Our Story workshop created by the Thrive.

Action Opportunities

Opportunities to actively work for justice abound! Here are just a few ideas:

  • Work with local organizations that help to provide food, clothing, and shelter for people in need.
  • Set up a community food pantry at your church.
  • Build a house with Habitat for Humanity.
  • Sponsor a refugee family with others in your congregation.