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Remembering: Recommended Resources

About Remembering

  • Some memories are hard. In the podcast episode Marking Milestones of God’s Goodness (Open to Wonder, Season 3), Heidi De Jonge talks about the importance of holding difficult memories and also shares some of the ways in which she’s intentional about remembering the goodness of God in her life and that of her family.
  • In the blog post The Power of Remembering—A Spiritual Practice on, Jean Wise explores what she calls “holy hindsight.”
  • Margaret Bendroth’s book The Spiritual Practice of Remembering (Eerdmans, 2013) “argues that remembering must become a regular spiritual practice, part of the rhythm of our daily lives as we recognize our world to be, in many ways, a gift from others who have gone before.” 
  • Carolina Hinojosa Cisneros explores Why Storytelling Matters in her article on, observing, “When the church employs storytelling in a way that can reshape people’s lives, reflecting who they are back to themselves, the church becomes a shared space where each person is a part of history.”
  • The Discipline of Remembering, an article by Anne Kerhoulas on, observes that remembering leads to hope, and hope gives us what we need to abide in Christ today.
  • Remembering as a Spiritual Practice, a blog post by Patty S on, shares seven ways that Scripture encourages us to “remember.”
  • Remembering God by John Van Sloten on asks, “If everything in the universe comes from God, then how can anything not be packed with memories?”

Worship and Sacraments

  • Reformed Worship offers many articles and worship service plans—just enter “remembering” into the search function at
  • In Remember Your Baptism (Reformed Worship #14), Harry Boonstra explores the faith-forming power of this sacrament.


  • Ellie Holcomb’s inspiring children’s song Don’t Forget to Remember and the accompanying picturebook are a blessing for people of all ages.
  • Remember by Bryan and Katie Torwalt is a moving song to use as a reminder to your soul. Try listening to it before you spend time with God in prayer or devotions.