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Service: Recommended Resources

The Faith Practice of Service

  • In the book Full Service: Moving from Self-Serve Christianity to Total Servanthood (Baker, 2006), Siang-Yang Tan reminds readers, “The Lord Jesus has called us to servanthood that comes out of a deep, loving, intimate friendship or communion with him. It is not servanthood out of obligation, duty, guilt, fear, or selfish motives for attention and praise, which is servitude.”
  • Richard Foster explored service in his classic work Celebration of Discipline. Self-Righteous Service Versus True Service is a helpful excerpt. Also check out Understanding Service, an essay by Foster in The Making of an Ordinary Saint by his son, Nathan Foster (Baker Books, 2014).
  • Service: a Practical Guide, an excerpt from Adele Calhoun’s excellent Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, includes great ideas for engaging with the practice of service on your own, including this one: “Every morning for the next two weeks ask your spouse, roommate, or colleague, ​‘What can I do for you today?’ Then do it.”
  • The Gift of Service, an episode of the Groundwork podcast from Reframe Media, explores the biblical definition of service and how the Holy Spirit cultivates Christlikeness in us through our service.
  • In this episode of Open to Wonder, former CRCNA executive director Colin Watson shares how being attentive to God at work shapes his faith and guides the ways he serves in leadership.

Cultivating Servants

  • ThereforeGo Ministries (formerly Youth Unlimited) coordinates the SERVE program for youth in grades 6-12. SERVE is “a unique blend of community outreach and discipleship with spiritual transformation as the goal at every level.”
  • Brad Archer’s blog post on outlines Seven Marks of a Godly Servant.
  • Cultivating a Ministry of Presence by Charleen Katra on encourages Christians to serve by walking alongside people in need.
  • In Creating Space to Serve on, Lisa Van Engen explores how to “be intentional in teaching children and young people to serve rather than to be served, to look outward instead of inward, to give rather than to consume.”
  • Check out the ideas on family service in our Family Faith Formation toolkit.

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