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We represent congregations with believers assembled from various regions in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands including 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Laotians, Samoans, Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Filipinos and more.
South East Asian Pacific Islander (SEAPI) was formed in 2007 to aid Asian church leaders to develop a sustaining network of support for its pastors, sharing of best ministry practices, and to build better relationships with the CRC agencies and programs. Our shared goal is to strengthen the unity, faith, fellowship and missional commitment we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Contact: Fatu Auau
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month (article)
From an Overcrowded Boat to a CRC Pulpit (article)
Resonate Global Mission A CRC agency that partners with churches in the United States and Canada to plant churches, do campus ministry, train and equip pastors, and develop future leaders. Additionally, it sends missionaries overseas to proclaim the Gospel and forge lasting partnerships.
SEAPI Annual Summer Gathering (2015 event overview)
Christ-Like Asian Youth (CLAY) A group of Second-generation youth of Cambodian, Karanese, Vietnamese, Laotian and Hmong descent who all worship together and learn about being a disciple of Jesus. CLAY Facebook Community
South East Ethnic Discipleship (SEED) A young adults ministry of the Church, particularly in an Asian context, with the goal of encouraging men and women to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)