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Thrive's work in diversity was established to equip and support congregations of the CRC as they work toward becoming more inclusive environments, welcoming the calling and use of gifts in people of various ethnicities.
Reflecting together on the ministry challenges faced by those leading in an immigrant context among Chinese speaking people in North America.
Assisting Native Americans and First Nations people with establishing churches in their local communities.
Helping Korean-American & Korean-Canadian congregations including 1st, 1.5, and 2nd generation leaders serving in the U.S., Canada, and global regions. Read more about Korean communities. »
Working with congregations that represent Laotians, Samoans, Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese, and Filipino believers from various regions in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.
Equipping and supporting African diaspora leaders to lead effectively in their ministry contexts and in God's world.
Encouraging and equipping Latino leaders and members of their congregations to advance the kingdom of God in their communities.