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There’s something about a journey that’s exciting and invigorating. A promise of new horizons; new possibilities; new challenges. The Christian Reformed Church is on such a journey.

It’s called Our Journey 2025.

“Our” because we are on it together as CRC people from congregations across the United States and Canada. “Journey” because we are moving ahead in our shared mission to express the good news of God’s kingdom that transforms lives and communities worldwide, while also striving towards specific goals that our congregations and leaders have identified. And “2025” to remind us that this is just one stage of a journey that will see us living and growing together in new ways and new places by the year 2025.

We desire to be congregations and communities that...

Our Journey 2025 - Cultivate

Cultivate Practices

Cultivate practices of prayer and spiritual discipline, transforming our lives and communities by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Journey 2025 - Listen

Listen to the Voices

Listen to the voices of every generation, shaping us for ministry together.
Our Journey 2025 - Grow

Grow in Diversity

Grow in diversity and unity by seeking justice, reconciliation, and welcome, sharing our faith as we build relationships with and honor the cultures of our neighbors and newcomers.
Our Journey 2025 - Share

Share the Gospel

Share the gospel, live it missionally, and plant new churches in our neighborhoods, as we discover how to connect with our local and global ministry contexts.

Undergirding the journey toward these four milestones is a denomination-wide commitment to leadership development and renewal.