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Following God’s call to mutual love and service, Thrive continues to collaborate with churches and partner organizations to break individual and systemic barriers that keep people with disabilities from full participation—so that churches truly reflect the body of Christ where everybody belongs and everybody serves.
Together you are the body of Christ. Each one of you is part of his body. 1 Cor 12:27 (CEV)
Thrive's Disability Awareness Sunday (Oct. 19, 2025)
Creating a church where Everybody Belongs and Everybody Serves requires everyone’s participation. Each person in the church has an important role to play. Evaluate your church's progress at becoming fully accessible by reading the 30 Indicators of a Anti-ableist, Fully Accessible Church. Belonging doesn’t just happen. How might you create belonging in the areas where you are involved?
Contact Thrive to learn what’s available and discuss your church's needs.
The Learning Journey Advocate Training Program
This free online training program is a great tool for all volunteers engaged in disability access.