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Thank you for supporting the ministries of the CRCNA through planned giving and legacy gifts! Here are some resources that you might find helpful as you work with your financial advisor.
Stock Gift Form Barnabas Foundation
Stock Gift Form CRCNA (including all agencies and ministries)
The Barnabas Foundation is committed to the principles of Christian stewardship. Every discussion of using “our resources” is based upon the recognition that God owns everything and we are God’s stewards. It is our responsibility to manage the assets entrusted to us. For more than 25 years, the Barnabas Foundation has helped Christians support ministries they care about. Contact the Barnabas Foundation by calling 888-448-3040 or visit their website.
I give to The Christian Reformed Church in North America, a nonprofit ministry with its principal offices located at 300 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506-1208 [the sum of $ ___] OR [___% of the residue of my estate], to be used [for its general purposes] OR [Designated Purpose]. If, in its opinion, the need for funds for the designated purpose no longer exists, The Christian Reformed Church in North America is authorized to use these funds for a similar purpose.
We have provided more resources and information about planned giving in short articles you can find on The Network:
3 Big Questions to Ask About Your Will: Including the CRCNA in Your Plans
Giving Appreciated Security Gifts (Publicly Traded Stock, Bonds, Mutual Funds)
Language to Use in Your Will to Leave a Gift to the CRCNA