Dr. Esau McCaulley suggests that Black theology reveals biblical truths and a range of experiences that can help to transform the Christian church today.
Dr. Noah Toly’s January Series talk discussed how a liberal arts education equips students to respond to the challenges and opportunities of our times.
Dee Recker, longtime director of Synodical Services, has retired after 23 years with the CRCNA. She shares answers to questions about her experiences in this role.
The Office of General Secretary received many questions from CRC officebearers and churches about gravamina last fall and we are aware that several overtures are being considered by the classes.
Disabled author and scholar Amy Kenny shared at the January Series how discrimination against disabled people is prevalent in the church and how that hurts us all.
In her presentation at the 2023 January Series, Mónica Guzmán suggested that curiosity and listening can be powerful tools in bridging division between people with differing opinions.
In 2016, First CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich., received $100,000 to help with a renovation project. This year 80 additional churches may receive similar help.