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** Synod 2024 has concluded **

Synod 2025 will be held at Redeemer University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (June 13-19, 2025).

In person synod meetings began on Friday, June 14 and concluded on Thursday, June 20 at the Calvin Chapel on the campus of Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Mich. All of the sessions are available to view on the CRCNA Youtube page.

The Agenda for Synod 2024, Supplement, and Guide to the Agenda for Synod 2024 are all available on the Synod Resources page. 

Rev. Scott A. DeVries, who served as director of synodical services for the CRCNA from January 2023 until his death in April 2024, had a vision for synod as an act of worship. Before his cancer diagnosis and death, Scott had been working on making clear the Spiritual Aspects of Synod. We encourage you to take some time to read through Scott's work.