Table of contents
Church Polity
- Church Order and Its Supplements: English (2024),
Spanish/English (2024), Spanish (2024),
Korean/English (2024), Korean (2024),
Chinese (2013), Earlier Church Orders - Rules for Synodical Procedure: English (2023),
Spanish/English (2022), Spanish (2022),
Korean/English (2022), Korean (2022)
Acts and Agendas
- 2025 Agenda Documents
- 2024 Agenda and Acts of Synod | Guide
- 2023 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2022 Agenda and Acts of Synod | Deferred Agenda for Synods 2020-2021 | Summary: English, Korean
- 2021 Agenda | Deferred Agenda for Synod 2020 | Minutes of Special Meeting of COD | Summary: English, Korean | Report of Ministries/Institutions
- 2020 Agenda | Minutes of Special Meeting of COD |
Summary: English, Korean | Report of Ministries/Institutions - 2019 Agenda and Acts of Synod | Summary | Reimagining Ministry Shares | Ecumenical Categories
- 2018 Agenda | Erratum | Acts of Synod | Summary
- 2017 Agenda and Acts of Synod | Summary
- 2016 Agenda and Acts of Synod | Summary
- 2015 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2014 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2013 Agenda and Acts of Synod | Erratum
- 2012 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2011 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2010 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2009 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2008 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2007 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2006 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2005 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2004 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2003 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2002 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2001 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 2000 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- 1999 Agenda and Acts of Synod
- Earlier Acts and Agendas (Hekman Library)
Indices of Synodical Decisions
Back to topRecordings
- Archives of the Synod webcast are available on our videos page.
Back to topDocuments
- CRC Code of Conduct: English, Spanish, Korean
- Guidelines for the Suspension and/or Deposition of Ministers of the Word
- Church Guidance for Vetting Organizations for Donations
- Commissioned Pastor Handbook
- Journey Toward Ordination
- Affiliation Process for Pastors and Congregations
- Covenant for Officebearers (2012)
- Belhar Confession for Study
- Liturgical Forms and Resources
- Guide for Conducting Church Visiting (2015)
- Our World Belongs to God: A Contemporary Testimony (2008)
- Boards and Committees List
- Model Church Facilities (2015)
- Attachment to the Articles of Incorporation Form (2015)
- Michigan Articles of Incorporation Filing Form (2015)
- Michigan Restated Articles of Incorporation Filing Form (2015)
- Model Articles of Incorporation - U.S. (2009)
- Model Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws - Canada (2012)
- Michigan Articles of Incorporation
Synod's response to study committee reports are provided with the link "Synod's Response."
- Church Order Review Task Force Report | Summary: English, Spanish, Korean | Synod's Response
- Ecclesiastical Marriage Task Force (deferred to 2023) | Summary: English, Korean, Spanish | Synod's Response
- Study of Bivocationality Task Force (deferred to 2023) | Summary: English, Korean, Spanish | Synod's Response
- Committee to Articulate a Foundation-laying Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality (deferred to 2022): English, Spanish, Korean | Summary: English, Korean, Spanish
Synod's Response - Structure and Leadership Task Force (deferred to 2022)
- Addressing Abuse of Power Committee (2021)
Synod's Response - Synod Review Task Force (2019): English, Korean
Synod's Response - Addressing Abuse of Power Committee (2019)
Synod's Response - Committee to Provide Pastoral Guidance re Same-sex Marriage (majority and minority) (2016): English, Korean, Spanish
Synod's Response - Committee to Study Religious Persecution and Liberty (2016): English,
Korean summary
Synod's Response - Doctrine of Discovery Task Force (2016): English,
Korean summary
Synod's Response - Study of Offices of Elder and Deacon (2015)
Synod's Response - Task Force Reviewing Structure and Culture (2014)
Synod's Response - Task Force Reviewing Structure and Culture (2013)
Synod's Response - Diversity in Leadership Planning Group II (2013)
Synod's Response - Diakonia Remixed: Office of Deacon Task Force (2013)
Synod's Response - Task Force Reviewing Structure and Culture (2012)
Synod's Response - Creation Stewardship Task Force (2012) Summary Report
Synod's Response - Form of Subscription Revision II (2012)
Synod's Reponse - Affirming Baptism and Forming Faith (2011)
Synod's Response - Children at the Table (2011)
Synod's Response - These Living Waters (2011)
Synod's Response - This Bread of Life (2011)
Synod's Response - Migration of Workers (2010) (English) (Korean) (Spanish)
Synod's Response - Roeda Overture 7 to Synod 2010 - Supporting Documentation
- Belhar Confession Report (2009): See Belhar Resources
Synod's Response - Third Wave Pentecostalism II Report (majority and minority) (2009)
Synod's Response - Lord's Supper and Roman Catholic Mass (Revised 2008)
- Third Wave Pentecostalism Report (majority and minority) (2007)
- Third Wave Pentecostalism Survey Report (2006)
Synod's Response - War and Peace (2006)
Synod's Response - Summary of Christian Day School report (2005)
Synod's Response - Restorative Justice (2005)
Synod's Response - Heidelberg Catechism Q. and A. 80 (2004)
Synod's Response - Pastoral Care for Homosexual Members (2002)
Synod's Response - End of Life Issues (2000)
Synod's Response - Review the Decision Regarding Women in Office (2000)
Synod's Response - Pastoral Care for Homosexual Members (1999)
Synod's Response - Worship Report (1997)
Synod's Response - God's Diverse and Unified Family (1996):
English, Spanish, Korean - Children at the Lord's Supper (1995)
Synod's Response - Creation and Science Report (1991)
Synod's Response - Marriage Guidelines Report (1980)
Synod's Response - Ethical Decision About War (1977)
Synod's Response - Synodical Decisions and Confessions (1975)
Synod's Response - Neo-Pentecostalism (1973)
Synod's Response - Committee to Study Homosexuality (1973)
Synod's Response - Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority (1972)
Synod's Response - Infallibility and Inspiration (1961)
Synod's Response