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For full reports and exact statements of the CRCNA position on a particular issue, see references provided below.

우리의 입장

다음은 기독교 예배를 위한 공통된 성경적 기초를 보여줍니다. 예배는 하나님께 마땅한 가치, 경배, 그리고 찬양을 드리는 것입니다. 예배는 죄의 고백과 참되신 하나님에 대한 복종을 포함합니다. 예배는 하나님께서 주도하시는 하나님과 예배자와의 관계맺음입니다. 또한 예배자들 사이의 공동 교제입니다. 기독교 공동체와 그 가운데 공유하는 기억은 예배를 견고하게 하며, 또한 예배로 인해 기독교 공동체와 그 기억이 견고해집니다. 그리고 예배는 하나님의 강력한 구속 행위를 반영합니다.

하나님의 백성이 진정한 공동체 안에서 순수한 마음으로 예배할 때, 효과적인 복음 전파는 자연스런 결과입니다. 기독교 예배의 기본 패턴은 언약 공동체로서의 모임, 하나님 말씀의 선포, 주님의 만찬의 기념, 세상을 섬기는 파송을 포함합니다. 진정한 예배는 내재적으로 성례전적 성향을 가지며 참여하는 신자들의 다양한 배경에 의해 풍요롭게 됩니다.


Synod 1964 appointed a liturgical committee to review liturgical literature in the light of history, theological content, and contemporary needs and to study liturgical practices in the churches in the light of Reformed principles and synodical decisions. The committee's report came to synod in 1968 and was recommended to the churches for study and consideration. This report encapsulates the basic understanding of Reformed worship in the CRC.

Thirty years later, in 1994, CRC Publications asked synod to commission a new report in light of the many changes in synodical decisions as well as in worship practices in the churches over three decades. The new committee built on the biblical-theological framework of the 1968 report, using the report as the starting point for its reflections. The committee came to Synod 1997 with a report titled "Authentic Worship in a Changing Culture," which analyzes contemporary cultural forces at work in the church and reflects theologically on those changes with a view to helping church leaders make decisions about worship that are biblically and theologically informed and culturally discerning. In 2011 the denomination’s publishing agency, Faith Alive Christian Resources, presented a proposal for a standing CRC Worship Committee on grounds that the CRC needs to provide leadership and resources “in the crucial area of worship” and that “there is no designated agency or office to support that ministry in the CRC” (Agenda for Synod 2011, pp. 176-77, 181). Synod 2011 referred the tasks presented in that proposal to its Faith Formation Committee to consider how those tasks might be fulfilled (Acts of Synod 2011, p. 855). In 2013 the Faith Formation Committee reported that it had many fruitful conversations about this matter with Faith Alive, the executive director, and the Task Force Reviewing Structure and Culture (appointed by Synod 2011). As Synod 2013 dissolved the Faith Alive board, an implementation plan for the continuation of Faith Alive’s functions was presented by the Board of Trustees to Synod 2013, and a formal launch of Worship Ministries began in 2014. At Synod 2015, Worship Ministries shared its ministry vision, and synod noted the engagement of Worship Ministries’ values with the denomination’s ministry priorities and the ministry’s connectivity with local churches and other partners (Acts of Synod 2015, pp. 594, 628). In 2017 synod received from the Board of Trustees a newly adopted mission and vision statement and new mandate for CRC Worship Ministries (see Acts of Synod 2017, pp. 550-52).

In 2015 a Liturgical Forms Committee formed in response to requests for various liturgical forms that would help represent current ministry contexts. By way of the Board of Trustees, the committee submitted thirteen new forms to Synod 2016, and synod approved the forms with some textual revisions (Agenda for Synod 2016, pp. 38, 46-47, 75-119; Acts of Synod 2016, pp. 898-903). To locate all current forms, visit and search “liturgical forms.”

References to Agendas and Acts of Synod

Acts of Synod 1964, pp. 59-60, 133
Acts of Synod 1968, pp. 64-65, 134-98
Acts of Synod 1994, pp. 379-80, 526-27
Agenda for Synod 1996, p. 84
Agenda for Synod 1997, pp. 86, 93-144
Acts of Synod 1997, pp. 664-68
Agenda for Synod 2000, p. 133
Agenda for Synod 2011, pp. 176-77, 181
Acts of Synod 2011, p. 855
Agenda for Synod 2013, pp. 324-25, 381, 388-89
Acts of Synod 2013, pp. 475-79, 550
Agenda for Synod 2015, pp. 266-68, 363
Acts of Synod 2015, pp. 594, 628, 680
Agenda for Synod 2016, pp. 38, 46-47, 75-119
Acts of Synod 2016, pp. 898-903
Agenda for Synod 2017, p. 165-66
Acts of Synod 2017, pp. 464, 472, 550-52, 639
Acts of Synod 2019, pp. 768-70