Read the article 8 Ways God Speaks to Us Today, and then tell each other about times when God has spoken to you in some of the ways cited in the article.
Read and discuss the short section on Listening from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic book Life Together.
When someone is facing a big decision or life change, a discernment group can be very helpful. Quakers call these groups “Clearness Committees.” The person who is seeking discernment invites people whose opinion they respect to gather with them to ask thought-provoking questions, but not to give advice. For more on how Clearness Committees work, check out this webpage.
Sherman Street CRC’s “Voices of Our Community” project built connections between the congregation and their neighbors. Personal interviews gave people from all walks of life a space to tell their stories. And a photographer took portraits of church and community members sharing their response to the question: “What is your dream?” This project involved lots of listening—and participants learned a lot about each other! How might your church carry out a similar project in your unique context?