The total cost for a congregation that engages the Healthy Church Discernment Process is approximately $3700. Costs vary somewhat, depending on how much time the HCDP coach spends with the church, how many surveys are taken by congregation members, and related expenses.
- The church contracts with an HCDP coach recommended by Thrive. The coach will then bill the church directly for work time (at an hourly rate - $50/hr as of April, 2022) plus approved allowances and expenses.
- The cost for using the Healthy Church Comprehensive Survey is $500, regardless of church size. The church will be billed by Thrive after the survey reports have been created and made available to the coach and the church's HCDP planning team.
- The church should plan for additional expenses such as costs for materials, copying, refreshments, a leadership retreat, coach’s mileage, etc.
HC coach - $2500
Survey Report - $500
Additional costs - $1000
TOTAL - $4000
Contract with Coach
A trained and credentialed HCDP coach is essential to an effective discernment and renewal process. Thrive only recommends such coaches. Church leadership will, of course, also have a voice in determining who the coach will be. Prior to initiation of HCDP the approved coach will submit, for church approval, an agreement/contract stipulating process objectives, HCDP coach commitments, the church’s commitments and cost/pricing information for HCDP. The total cost estimate in contract will be considered a cost ceiling for the process. The HCDP begins once the approved coach and a designated church representative sign and date the agreement/contract. The process ends when the Ministry Plan/Priorities are ready for implementation. If the church opts to continue services of the coach then a new contract will be negotiated.
Coach’s Role
The coach does not do the work of discernment or renewal but helps the church’s leaders and congregants with the process, coaches them to discern the will of God follow the Holy Spirit into the renewal experience. Below are some ways a coach assists churches in the HCDP.
An HCDP coach:
- Serves as coach and primary resource to the Planning Team, the Prayer Team and the Council throughout HCDP.
- Serves as coach and resource to the pastor regarding his or her leadership role throughout HCDP
- Prays for the congregation and its leadership throughout the process.
- Assists in administering the survey and in preparing reports of survey results.
- Helps the leaders and congregation to understand and evaluate survey results.
- Trains, assists and collaborates with the Planning Team and Council in facilitating the Congregational Conversation.
- Supports the Planning Team in compiling and organizing the results from the Congregational Conversation and other gathered data.
- Assists the Planning Team in facilitating a Leadership Retreat for further analyzing the results, and developing ministry priorities and next steps.
- Assists the Planning Team in the preparation of a summary report of the Leadership Retreat for presentation to and consideration by Council.
- Works with the Implementation Team in acting upon the identified ministry priorities and related goals and plans.