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Hotel Information

The event will be held November 14-16, 2023 at the Hotel Albuquerque in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The cost of your hotel room for November 14 & 15 is included in the registration fee. Rooms have two beds and are double occupancy. Amenity package is also included which provides property wide Wi-Fi, valet parking, access to outdoor pool and hot tub, daily newspaper and daily in-room bottled water and snacks.

If you’d like to share a room with a friend, please note that person’s name when you register and have that person note your name on their registration form as well. If you don’t know anyone else who’s going, we’ll find a roommate for you.

Please note that we can’t change your roommate when you arrive at the hotel. At that point, rooms are set.

If you’d like a private room, you’ll have to pay for 50% of the cost which is $80 (USD)/night. A limited number of rooms are available at this rate.

Consider coming early or staying on for a night or two. If you’d like to extend your stay at the hotel, the group rate of $169/night (plus taxes) is available to you for up to three days pre/post conference. We will assist you in making these arrangements.


How do I get from the Albuquerque airport to the hotel?
A hotel shuttle is not available.

However, we’re pleased to let you know that if you are flying to Albuquerque, we have arranged with Tiffany’s Xpress to provide transportation between the airport and Hotel Albuquerque at a favorable rate including tax and gratuity. We are also excited to tell you that this expense will be covered by our conference budget, so you will not need to pay for your airport transportation! You will need to book your shuttle ride directly with Tiffany's Xpress. Check your conference email communications for further instructions.

* Please note that additional transportation needs may be scheduled and provided by Tiffany’s Xpress during your stay at Hotel Albuquerque, but they will be at your own expense. Also, if you choose to rent a car while in Albuquerque, that will also be at your own expense.

Can my spouse stay with me at the hotel?
Spouses may be invited, however, the expectation is that you will be fully engaged during the conference. Please plan to fully participate in all sessions and activities and join your spouse after the conference. The conference is designed for pastors, but we'd like to engage with spouses who are present and plan to offer several sessions specifically for spouses. You will be able to select a private room and appropriately designate your spouse's attendance during the registration process.

Can special dietary needs be accommodated?
The hotel will accommodate special dietary needs (vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.) to the best of their ability.