Explore Giving Making a Lasting Difference with a Future Gift Explore the options below to see how others have tailored their planned giving strategies based on assets, income, or age. Assets Cash Most popular ways to give this asset: Gift of cash Gift in your will or living trust Charitable gift annuity Donor advised fund Charitable remainder trust Charitable lead trust Appreciated Securities Most popular ways to give this asset: Outright gift of appreciated securities Gift in your will or living trust Charitable gift annuity Donor advised fund Charitable remainder trust Charitable lead trust Retirement Plan Assets Most popular ways to give this asset: Beneficiary designations Charitable remainder trust Donor advised fund Life Insurance The most popular ways to give this asset: Outright gift of life insurance Beneficiary designations Real Estate Most popular ways to give this asset: Real estate Gift in your will or living trust Charitable gift annuity Charitable remainder trust Charitable lead trust Giving Amount Under $25,000 The most popular options for a gift in this range: Gift of cash Outright gift of appreciated securities Donor advised fund Gift in your will or living trust Charitable gift annuity Beneficiary designations $25,000 to $99,999 The most popular options for a gift in this range: Gift of cash Outright gift of appreciated securities Donor advised fund Gift in your will or living trust Charitable gift annuity Beneficiary designations $100,000 to $999,999 The most popular options for a gift in this range: Outright gift of appreciated securities Gift in your will or living trust Beneficiary designations Charitable gift annuity Outright gift of life insurance Charitable remainder trust Charitable lead trust $1 Million or More The most popular options for a gift in this range: Outright gift of appreciated securities Gift in your will or living trust Beneficiary designations Charitable remainder trust Charitable lead trust Age Under 40 The best gift options for you: Gift of cash Outright gift of appreciated securities Donor advised fund Gift in your will or living trust Beneficiary designations 40-54 The best gift options for you: Gift of cash Outright gift of appreciated securities Donor advised fund Gift in your will or living trust Beneficiary designations 55-69 The best gift options for you: Outright gift of appreciated securitiesGift in your will or living trustCharitable gift annuity Beneficiary designationsReal estate Charitable remainder trustCharitable lead trust 70+ The best gift options for you: Outright gift of appreciated securities Gift in your will or living trust Charitable gift annuity Beneficiary designations Outright gift of life insurance Real estate Charitable remainder trust Charitable lead trust Thank You for Impacting Future Generations!