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The work of the Candidacy Director and the Candidacy Committee is to oversee the processes of ordination in the CRCNA and ensure that paths to ministry are accessible, accountable and equitable.

Puzzle Pieces

Am I Called to Pastoral Ministry?

We can help as you discern whether God may be calling you to pastoral ministry.

Paths to Ordination

Learn more about the two pastoral ordination categories in the Christian Reformed Church.

Forms and Resources

Tools for regional committees who help others on the journey toward ordination.
Group of people


These ministerial candidates have been declared eligible for call in the Christian Reformed Church

Commissioned Pastors

The office of Commissioned Pastor is recognized in the CRC as a flexible, localized ordination into pastoral ministry. Learn about the route to ordination as a Commissioned Pastor. »

Ecclesiastical Program for Ministerial Candidates

The EPMC is designed for those who earn their M.Div. degree at seminaries other than Calvin Theological Seminary and desire to become candidates for ministry in the CRC. Find out more about EPMC. »

Contact us

Email us at if you have questions or need help finding information.