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Energy Stewardship

A crucial part of helping the U.S. and Canada meet their targets will be to do everything we can to reduce our own energy use. To that end, the Climate Witness Project is committed to walking with congregations as they increase their energy efficiency and decrease their emissions. Congregations all over the U.S. and Canada are changing out light bulbs, installing programmable thermostats, putting light sensors in their restrooms, replacing old and drafty windows, and even installing solar panels and geothermal systems.

Making sure that our facilities are energy efficient not only contributes to the achievement of the Paris Agreement targets but is also an act of faithfulness. God has given us resources, both natural and financial, and energy efficiency enables us to conserve both wisely and respectfully. When we are using energy efficiently, precious natural resources are conserved, and financial resources can be redirected toward other ministries of the church.


Energy Saving Tips

Tips from Dr. Henry Brouwer to help you in many areas of your life including transportation, housing, and your place of employment.

Global Footprint Calculator

Take this quiz to learn how much carbon it takes to fuel your lifestyle and to get helpful tips on how to reduce!

Sustainable Investing

Kurt Holzhueter of ClearView Investments provides a brief explanation and history of sustainable investing.

Lent Challenge

Our world is in crisis. Join us on a holy and hope-filled journey through Lent.


Energy Star Certification

We help congregations improve their energy efficiency and to track their progress over time. Contact us for help:

Free Energy Assessment (US)

On average, each house of worship that participates received $1,300 in free energy upgrades and expects to save $650 on annual energy expenses.

Budget Guide

A guide to help churches reduce their impact on creation by lowering energy consumed. The guide includes ideas for reducing facility and operating expenses as well as tips for implementation in your church.

Climate Stewards: Trusted Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsets can be a great way to account for our use of fossil fuels where necessary.

Sacred Spaces Clean Energy Grant

Read about this Michigan based project supporting churches in low income areas.
Creation Care Recipe

Starting a Creation Care Team

Use our 'recipe' to get people excited about teaming up to care for creation.