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Have you ever asked, “What could I or my congregation possibly do about climate change?” If so, you’re not alone. Both CRC and non CRC congregations across the U.S. and Canada have been coming together to find an answer in the Climate Witness Project.

The Climate Witness Project is a campaign of the Office of Social Justice and World Renew designed to walk with congregations as they learn about the realities of climate change, as they seek to be better stewards of the resources they have been given, and as they find their voice to speak to their public officials about common sense climate policy that will benefit the earth, people around the world who are poor and vulnerable, and future generations.

Hundreds of individuals from more than 290 congregations and campus groups—representing over 20 denominations including the Christian Reformed Church—have come together to answer the call to love our neighbors and be stewards of creation. Our goal is to work toward zero carbon emissions by 2050, keeping in mind the principles of a just and equitable transition. Will you join us?

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Commit to doing something about climate change.