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Eastern U.S

Connect with Regional Organizer Allen Drew 


Christians have every Biblical reason to care profoundly about the climate crisis.  We believe in a God who calls his creation good and loves it so much that he died for it. We believe that human life is sacred, that human flourishing is essential to Shalom, that justice for the poor is at the center of God’s heart, and that the deep concern of God for us and our world means that there is always hope.  Finally, we are called by Jesus to lay down our lives for one another, and know that the way forward is the way of service and the cross.  Christians were made for such a time as this.



Facebook Group

Connect regularly with other passionate people in your region.

Regional Resource List

Looking for more ways to get involved in your region? Check out this list.

Allen Drew's Website

Climate resources specifically curated for the Eastern US.

Engaging Climate As Christians

Tune into these presentations with Allen and be rooted in our biblical reasons for action.


COP27: Egypt

Read Allen's reflection on what it was like to be on the ground for COP27.