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Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee

Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee logo

We’re a CRC committee that cares deeply about the relationships between Indigenous peoples and non-indigenous Canadians. You may have seen the art tour that we organized (reForming Relationships) or experienced the KAIROS Blanket Exercise, one of our favourite tools for reconciliation. We provide lay leadership to the CRC on Indigenous issues in Canada.

The Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee has the specific role of educating and mobilizing CRC members and congregations to live in reconciled relationships as covenant (treaty) people before our Creator with focus on reconciling the relationship between Indigenous people and non-indigenous people in Canada.

The Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee works to raise awareness of the shared history and of the present lived reality of Indigenous people in Canada. In doing so, relationships are built and justice is sought out by advocacy or raising more awareness.

We're here to support you and your church as you work for reconciliation. To get in contact with the CIMC member in your area, email [email protected].

Committee Members

Marlene Wolters

Marlene Wolters (Chair - Frankford, ON)

Member at Large Seat

Marlene was born In Burns Lake BC to an Indigenous father and a white mother. Her father joined the military when she was 18 months old and she was raised in a variety of towns and Air Bases throughout Canada and Germany. She currently resides with her husband  in Frankford ON. She is a retired nurse who currently works as a Church Administrator and Bookkeeper.  She has 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren and is passionate about bringing education and reconciliation to all. 

Kayla Boone

Kayla Boone (Smithers, BC)

Alberta / British Colombia Seat

Kayla is a former Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation and attends The Kings University College in Edmonton, Alberta. Her passion to work with Indigenous peoples started when she was very young. Growing up, her dad, a history teacher at the local Christian high school, would pass her his Canadian history textbooks to read, take her on his field trips to visit various Indigenous communities, and patiently answer her questions. Together, her parents encouraged her love for history, gently showing her how to ask questions and then do her own research and find the answers to the questions for myself. She enjoys living up north as there are always many things to do – no matter what the season!

Leanne Prins

Leanne Prins (Edmonton, AB)

Reformed Church of America Seat

Leanne is currently a stay at home mom to some beautiful foster children. Fostering first began in 2012, and has expanded their family to include various Indigenous members who have taught her and her husband to be so much more hospitable, humourous, and gracious. Leanne has been active in her church since a young age, and currently acts as an elder in her congregation. Her resume experiences also list Youth Ministry work with teens, managing a volunteer-driven arthouse/coffeeshop, creative media productions at a funeral home, and owning/operating an ethnic foodstore. Building community through sharing and celebrating culture has been a theme throughout her adventures, and she is passionate to continue to do so. She is grateful for the opportunity to sit on the Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee and learn together as we strive toward the good work of reconciliation.

Monika Couperus (Chatsworth, ON)

Member at Large Seat

Monika Couperus is a social worker/ mental health counsellor in Southern Ontario. Monika's passion for holistic healing inspires people to address their physical, spiritual, mental, and social health. Monika is also certified as an expressive arts therapist where she can guide communities and individuals through holistic healing using visual art, music, poetry, dance, storytelling, etc. A life-long member of the CRC, Monika gained experience in truth and reconciliation work in University, internships, summer employments, the Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation program, and the Heart's Exchange program 2020/2021. She is excited to commit to reconciliation work long-term. 

Katie Zwart (Drayton, ON)

Southern Ontario / Eastern Canada Seat

Katie is a recent graduate from Trent University with a BAH in Indigenous Studies, igniting her passion for Indigenous missions and justice work. Born and raised in Drayton, ON, Katie is of Dutch descent and was brought up in a household enriched by deep conversation and an appreciation for diverse perspectives and viewpoints. Katie’s upbringing and learning journey thus far has led her to a profound appreciation for Indigenous cultures and issues. With a compassionate heart and a steadfast commitment to justice, she is dedicated to advancing Indigenous ministry and reconciliation efforts, both within this committee and in her personal life. Beyond her professional pursuits, Katie enjoys crocheting, reading and spending time with her family.

Saskatchewan / Manitoba / Northern Ontario Seat 

Currently Vacant - if you would like to serve on this committee please contact [email protected]

Staff Support

Bert Adema

Bert Adema (Regina, SK)

Bert is the Executive Director of Indigenous Christian Fellowship (ICF), in Regina, SK. Since 1993, he has encouraged Indigenous people to claim, develop, use, and celebrate their individual and cultural gifts from the Creator. He collaborates with Indigenous staff and community members in developing and delivering activities serving the spiritual and social needs of First Nations and Metis people in Regina. Now that their four daughters have moved out of their family home, he and his wife Ruth have started to wonder about what to do with the rest of their lives.

Adrian Jacobs

Adrian Jacobs (Waterdown, ON)

Adrian Jacobs Ganosono (Gah-nuh’-sun-noh) of the Turtle Clan, Cayuga Nation of the Six Nations Haudenosaunee (Hoh’-den-noh-show’-nee) Confederacy at Grand River Territory, ON. Adrian is the father of five and grandfather of two grandsons and one granddaughter. He lives on the Dish with One Spoon territory as Senior Leader for Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation. He is an educator in the areas of Indigenous history, culture and contemporary issues. He networks with Indigenous leaders, knowledge keepers, and elders in Canada, the US, and internationally.

Shannon Perez

Shannon Perez (Winnipeg, MB)

Shannon is the director of the Indigenous Family Centre (a CRC ministry with Indigenous people in Winnipeg). Shannon is a member of the Sayisi Dene First Nation, and lives in Winnipeg, MB with her husband and children.

Harold Roscher (Edmonton, AB)

Harold is the chaplain and director of the Edmonton Native Healing Centre. Harold started full-time work in 2002 after the Creator challenged him to go back to school and prepare his heart to work with Indigenous people. At age thirty-five he became a registered Indian with the government — talk about a transition from being a little dark-haired Dutch boy! In recognizing himself as a Cree man, God launched him on this fantastic journey of discovery about self, culture, and the Gospel.

Victoria Veenstra

Victoria Veenstra (Barrie, ON)

Victoria is the Justice Communications Team Coordinator for the Christian Reformed Church.  She serves the committee through communications including developing Facebook content and producing a quarterly newsletter.  She holds a masters of arts in history from Trent University where she had the oppourtunity to study some of the rich history of Indigenous people in Canada.