Indigenous Ministry Walking the Road of Reconciliation Stay Connected Sign up for our regular email for updates on ministry in Canada. Email Address
Resources Brand New! Kids Activity: Wampum Belt Do you need a kids activity for Sunday School or while your church hosts a KAIROS Blanket Exercise? This lesson plan offers stories, crafts, and discussion ideas. Workshops KAIROS Blanket Exercise Raise your awareness and understanding of our common history in Canada. Living the 8th Fire A discussion based curriculum of seven small group sessions. Inconvenient Indian Book Club We've got the videos and discussion questions ready. All you have to do is read the book! Worship Resources Indigenous Ministry Sunday Join us in the celebration! National Truth and Reconciliation Day Reflections and materials for churches. Litanies Litanies that illustrate the richness that Indigenous people bring to life in Canada. Song Suggestions A song list for use in recognizing National Indigenous Peoples Day. For Kids Here are a few lesson ideas to get you started talking with kids about Indigenous justice! Verses and Sermon Starters Ideas to get you started on sermon planning! Prayer Guides Prayers Prayers in video and written format for use in your services. Month of Prayer For Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Lenten Prayer Guide Pray through the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Diving Deeper Hearts Exchanged Equipping Reformed Christians to engage with Indigenous people as neighbours in a way that builds transformation. reForming Relationships Tour Learn more about the painting tour of Cree artist Ovide Bighetty. Youth Ambassador of Reconciliation Program A reconciliation experience for non-Indigenous CRC young people. Quarterly Newsletter Released four times per year, you won't want to miss an issue. Other Resources Network Our latest updates and resources can always be found on the Network! Territory Acknowledgment Guide This guide includes a template for land acknowledgements, and best practices. CRC Statements What has the CRCNA said about reconciliation? Truth and Reconciliation Commission Which call to action could you or your church help to accomplish? Book Suggestions Reading from Indigenous voices is a great way to start your reconciliation journey. Videos Explore all of our video resources on our YouTube channel. Together in Harmony: Art Installation Learn about a work of art highlighting the work of reconciliation with Indigenous brothers and sisters.