Do you have an innovative idea for reaching out to people in your community? Applications are open for Resonate Global Mission’s Innovation Experiment Grant.
The Calvin University Board voted to retain faculty who disagree with the CRCNA position on human sexuality, while also requiring teaching and personal conduct to align with CRCNA doctrine.
Over 60 women gathered for an intergenerational, multicultural weekend to be equipped, encouraged, and empowered for leadership where God has called them.
On Oct. 24, Calvin University launched a new professional development program specifically designed for underrepresented members of its staff and faculty.
Each week more than 100 patients receive speech and hearing services, and Calvin University students gain invaluable experience through a booming speech pathology program.
Calvin University’s 2023 January Series will include a NASA scientist, a former presidential speechwriter, and the longest winning contestant on Jeopardy!
A Reformation Day liturgy, created by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the World Communion of Reformed Churches, is available in both English and Spanish.