Our lives can be thought of as a sacred dance—a dance with the Holy Spirit, a dance made up of purposefully chosen patterns of movement, a dance choreographed to fit the everyday circumstances and relationships of our lives, a dance designed for the enjoyment and glory of God.
Dance and rhythm are connected. Many of us pastors know what it feels like to be out of rhythm. It doesn’t feel good. It often happens in times of transition, personal crisis, or heavy workloads. It happens when others’ expectations don’t fit who we are. It happens when we live distractedly. We long to create a meaningful flow or to return to a pattern that fits our temperament and our particular calling.
That’s what this toolkit is about—finding an ongoing rhythm. Finding your rhythm requires a vision of what God wants for you, along with an understanding of your heart's desire. It calls you to a commitment to take the necessary steps and engage with God’s means of grace. Finding your rhythm can be thought of as a personal expression of worship. But it’s always a dance with community and for the sake of others as well.