A participating church will be coached through six general phases, a process that normally takes 6-9 months. These months involve listening sessions and other information gathering methods.
The data from the months of activities provides a basis for a conversation with the entire congregation. In turn, the results of this interactive process provide a basis for leadership to develop ministry initiatives and/or a ministry plan for the future.
After a Ministry Plan is in place leadership may opt for continued coaching or to continue the discernment process in a more focused way, aimed at particular areas of the church’s life.
Phase I: Preparation
- Healthy Church staff introduces the Healthy Church Discernment Process (HCDP)
- Church commits to use the HCDP
- Formation of HCDP Planning and Prayer teams
- Orientate church leadership, planning team, and prayer support people regarding the process
- Describe the HCDP to the congregation
Phase II: Information Gathering
- Online Healthy Church Comprehensive Survey (sample) administered to congregation
- Gather additional information about congregation and community
Phase III: Conversations
- Conversation about the information that has been gathered: Planning Team and leadership
- Conversation about the information that has been gathered: Planning Team/leadership with congregation
- Planning Team prepares summary of conversations
- Leadership retreat (or additional congregational conversations) to name a new ministry focus and create ministry priorities
- Leadership invites congregational commitment
Phase IV: Implementation
- Leadership appoints a small team to coordinate with existing ministry leaders for implementation of new focus and priorities
- Leadership and congregation live out Ministry Plan shepherded by leadership-appointed small team
- Evaluate progress at six-month intervals
Phase V: Celebration
- Dedication, celebration and healthy living (as Plan/Priorities lived out)
Phase VI: Follow Up
- Conversation with church leadership about their experience of the process and their progress toward goals
- Continued coaching (if needed)
- Evaluate progress to date in 2-3 years, using a brief re-survey