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Synod News

During the week of synod, news coverage will be provided by CRC Communications in partnership with The Banner. Subscribe to get a daily summary by email.

men in discussion sitting at a table

Other Actions of Synod 2024

Some items on the Agenda for Synod 2024 passed with little to no discussion. Here are those things that synod did or didn’t do.
man in blue collared shirt speaking into a microphone

Synod Mandates Review of Church Order Discipline Articles, Clarification on ‘Settled and Binding’

Synod 2024 asked for advice on the categories of synodical pronouncements and wants a task force to “develop Church Order procedures to discipline officebearers, including disaffiliation initiated by a major assembly.”
young man wearing black t-shirt speaking into microphone

Multisite Church Task Force Assigned by Synod 2024

Synod 2024 appointed a task force to study multisite churches with a mandate to research current iterations of these churches and report back to Synod 2026.
man speaking behind podium speaking to a large group

Synod 2024 President Urges Delegates ‘Be Gentle’ in Closing Worship Message

Derek Buikema tells synod delegates “gentleness is strong” and urges them to refrain from acrimony and slander as they head back to their home congregations.
bearded man speaking into podium microphone

Synod 2024’s Rulings on Appeals

Synod 2024 heard appeals of several classis rulings in closed session. President Derek Buikema read synod’s decisions into the public record.
lady wiping away a tear holding a laptop

Synod Hears a Farewell From Grand Rapids East Delegate

Trish Borgdorff shared words of farewell to the denomination at Synod 2024.
bearded man with open hands behind microphone

Synod 2024 Declared Disciplinary Measures for Those ‘In Protest’

Synod declared that churches, members, and officebearers who have an “in protest with ecclesiastical intent” status shall be entered into the process of discipline.
man in tshirt speaking into podium microphone

Synod Wants Yearly Re-affirmation of Covenant for Officebearers By Signing at Classis

Synod 2024 considered requests to require delegates to re-sign the Covenant for Officebearers at synod, choosing instead to have the re-signing of the covenant yearly at the classis level.
bearded man looking forward

Synod Extends ‘Our Journey 2025’ Ministry Plan to 2030

Synod 2024 adopted a proposal to extend the denomination’s current ministry plan by five years, but it wants a revision of the “Grow in Diversity” milestone to emphasize “hospitality” over “ethnic quotas.”
six young adults sitting on rocks

Young Adult Representatives Invested in the Direction of the Denomination

Synod 2024’s young adult representatives shared with The Banner their motivations for attending synod and their experiences at the assembly.
man with glasses speaking into podium microphone

Synod 2024: Not Necessary to Declare Unrepentant Sin A ‘Salvation Issue’

Synod 2024 declined to make a statement calling specific matters “a salvation issue,” saying Scripture is already clear that all sin is a salvation issue.
lady in red speckled dress gesturing with hands

Officebearers to Uphold Behavior Standards in CRC Code of Conduct

Synod 2024 addressed recommendations related to the denomination’s efforts to prevent abuse of power, adopting an addition to Church Order that holds all officebearers to its “standards of behavior.”
man behind microphone reading from a book

Synod Sets a Course of Discipline for CRC Churches

Synod 2024 asked for repentance from those congregations and communicated suspension for their officebearers.
lady in white suit coat standing in front of microphone

CRC Synod Has Questions For RCA

Ten years after the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Reformed Church in America strengthened ties with a historic joint synod, the CRC’s Synod 2024 wants to know if the RCA is still the same church.
man speaking into a podium microphone

Synod Instructs Calvin University On Faculty Gravamen Process

After clarifying the use of confessional-difficulty gravamina for church officebearers, Synod 2024 addressed Calvin University’s confessional difficulty process for faculty.
man speaking into a microphone

Synod Defines Confessional Difficulties, Removes Ambiguity in Gravamen Process

Synod 2024 tightened the process for church councils to receive officebearers’ confessional difficulties and limited the time of struggling with a doctrine to three years.
lady behind microphone with man looking on in background

Consejo Latino and Korean Ministers’ Association Present at Synod Banquet

Traditionally hosted to honor retiring leaders in the Christian Reformed Church, the 2024 synod banquet instead focused on two minority-culture ministry networks.
four individual photos of pastors in a collage picture

Ecumenical Speakers Share Stories of CRC’s Contribution to Their Ministries

Ecumenical guests addressed Synod 2024 from the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria, the Reformed Church in America, the Reformed Church of East Africa, and the Sudanese Reformed Church in South Sudan.
line of people standing in front of group

Synod Celebrates 25 new Candidates for Ministry Amid ‘Pastoral Leadership Shortage’

Before introducing 25 new candidates for ministry of the Word in the CRC, Susan LaClear, director of Candidacy, was frank with Synod 2024 about some challenges for emerging leaders.
man in tie speaking into microphone

Synod Addresses Need for Clarification on Expectations for Church Members

Synod 2024 considered the question of members’ commitments to the confessions of the church and asked for theological reflection and advice from the Office of General Secretary.
lady speaking into microphone

Synod Retains Current Church Order Process for Accountability of Officebearers

Responding to a request seeking a formal way for regional assemblies of the CRC to object to actions of another assembly, Synod 2024 declined to add to its current Church Order supplement.
lady in blue dress speaking into a microphone

Synod 2024 Discusses Pension Plans

After lengthy discussion, Synod 2024 voted to request more financial education for pastors and instructed the pension fund trustees to explore a broader approach to benefits.
man with hands raised

Synod Approves Effort to Strengthen Relationships With Churches Outside North America

In adopting the Global Vision Team report from the Council of Delegates, Synod 2024 has opened the door to deeper global partnerships.
two ladies smiling

Intercessors ‘Stand in Gap’ For Synod Delegates

Thirty intercessors, one coming from as far as Classis Rocky Mountain, are serving Synod 2024 with their prayers.
passing of communion elements in church congregation

Lee Street CRC Welcomes Synod 2024

With prayers, Scripture reading, and songs in English and Spanish, the Lee Street congregation of the Christian Reformed Church welcomed Synod 2024 to worship.
picture of a man and woman smiling as they speak to a group

‘What We’re Doing Right Now is the Best for the Churches in Canada’

Al Postma, executive director, Canada, and Greta Luimes, chair of the Canada Ministry Board, met attendees of Synod 2024 at a presentation on Canadian ministry in the CRC.
Michael Ten Haken; man speaks into microphone

Council of Delegates’ Address Commits to Binationality, Updates on Building Moves

Council of Delegates chair, Michael Ten Haken, encouraged synod to pray for COD members and urged commitment to working binationally.
Zach King - bearded man behind microphone

General Secretary Says God is Planting Seeds in the CRCNA

Zach King spoke at Synod 2024 about four types of seeds he sees God planting in the denomination.
president of synod speaking into a microphone

Synod Committed to Work ‘Within Confessional Positions’

Regarding delegates who did not stand in agreement with the declaration of beliefs, president Derek Buikema assured Synod 2024: “We have committed ourselves to do our work in accordance with our confessions.”
women standing in line getting food

Documentary Viewing at Synod’s Annual Women’s Dinner

Thrive ministry staff continued the tradition of hosting a women’s dinner at Synod 2024.
man behind microphone in suit coat

Some Delegates Don’t Stand for Public Declaration of Agreement with CRC Beliefs

Synod 2024 president Derek Buikema asked delegates with “a settled conviction that misaligns with the CRCNA” to refrain from standing in agreement. Those delegates conferred with officers after the session.
picture of lady in blue dress and man in purple shirt

Synod 2024 Opens With Worship, Training, Challenges

Worship and training on sharing power and privilege were among the first actions of the Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024.

Prayer Team Expands Pre-synod Prayer Gatherings

June 12 - As the Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024 approaches, a prayer team—led by Jon Hoekema—is hosting expanded opportunities for people to gather and pray for delegates, decision-making, and the denomination.

Synod 2024 Elects Four Midwest Pastors as Officers

May 30 - Synod 2024 opened on May 29 with a virtual convening to elect the president, vice president, and two clerks who will serve this year.

Synod 2024’s Online Opening Sparse, Prayerful

May 30 - The Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024 started with a reminder that God is with us as it drew delegates together in a video-based session.